
transport sb to sth,practice

transmit词组 2023-12-21 11:32 325 墨鱼

transport sb to sth,practice

综述:take是帮别人把东西给某个人带过去,bring是指把某人自己的东西给某人带过去。重点词汇:take 英[teɪk1.transport n. &vt. 运送;运输transport sb./sth. to把……运到……means of transport交通工具public transport公共交通(1) You will be transportedto the resort by coa

(工作)调动,调岗transfer sb. to sth. 派驻(政府官员、军官等)post sb. to sth. 流放,充军发配transport sb. to sth. 直径diameter 半径radius口径caliber / c~ of sth 强烈的情感;激情;激动strong feelings and emotions v. 例句1. Whensuchatransportdocumentisissued inseveraloriginals,afull setof originals mustbepresentedto

固定搭配:translate sth (from sth) into sth 将…从…翻译成…46. transport [træn'spɔːt] n. 交通运输系统v. 运输固定搭配:transport sb/sth to sth 将某人/某物运到某地固定搭配:transport sb/sth to sth 将某人/某物运到某地例句:Nowadays, people can choose the place they live and work because of the development of communication tech

复数transfers 第三人称单数transfers 现在分词transferring 过去式transferred 过去分词transferred 柯林斯英汉双解大辞典英英释义专业释义网络释义同根词1.help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事2.from…to…从…到…3.put forward sth = come up with sth 提出(观点、意见、方案等)4.draw a conclusion 得出结论5.face a challenge 面临挑战

>0< 高中英语单词天天记transport素材suggest to sb. sth. (=suggest sth. to sb.) 向某人建议某事admit to sb. sth. (=admit sth. to sb.) 向某人承认某事drink to sb. sth. (=drink sth. to sb.)为


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