
worthy for,worthy_HW

worthy to do 2023-11-20 23:26 139 墨鱼
worthy to do

worthy for,worthy_HW

⊙﹏⊙ worthwhile应该是侧重这件事的重要性,意义。但除非你是个文字迷,一般没必要去区别,it's worth doing和it's worthwhile doing都可以用。名词是主语,用worth明确表达值不值得做:worth,worthy的用法1:be worth+(价钱名词)值……doing(表被动)值得做……eg:The vase is worth£3,000. 2:be worthy+to be done值得做/of being done值得做

worthy: 形容词,与worth同义,但搭配不相同。worthwhile: 形容词,用作表语或定语,指某事物是值得的,或某事是值得做的。英语解释:名词worthy: word is often used humorouslyWhen God considers you worthy and to let you suffer for him, this should be considered a very honorable privilege and is to rejoice over it. 并不是每一个人都有这

worthy of confidence 值得信任be worthy to be done 值得(做) worthy to be considered 值得考虑的worthy of note 值得注意的,显著的相似单词worthy a. 1.应得某事物;值得做某事2.可Worthyof no respect; vulgar or contemptible. 不值得尊敬的;粗鄙的或可鄙的。收藏。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 9. He was willing to accept any constructive advice for a

worthy的意思、解释复数形式:worthies; worthy 基本解释形容词应得某事物;值得做某事;可尊敬的;配得上的,相称的名词杰出人物,伟人worthy 同义词形容词suitable worthworthy有两种用法,一是用作形容词,表示“有价值的;可尊敬的;值得的”的意思,二是用作名词,表示“知名人士;杰出人物”的意思,是可数名词,复数形式是worthies。固定搭配有:

worthy of基本解释值得的,应得的网络释义1. 值得,配得上2. 名副其实的worthy of的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释You areworthyofall life has to1.worthy of sb/sth 值得(或应得)的to be worthy of sttention 2.值得尊敬的,值得注意的. The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause. 3.having good qualities bu


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