

for sure的用法及含义的例句 2023-12-12 22:53 240 墨鱼
for sure的用法及含义的例句


25、When you come back, the kids will still be playing inside the bouncer,for sure. 26、But that she is very nice and thatfor sureshe will be voted12. You never can be too sure when it comes to safety. 13. One thing is for sure, he is always on time. 14. Are you sure you locked the door before leaving? 15. She's n


1、I know for sure我心里明白,我知道. 2、But For Sure但确;只有一点可以肯定3、One thing is for sure─it's not going to be easy. 有一点可以肯定——事情不会很容易。1. "Money talks, that's for sure. All the best seats were reserved for the big shots."钱可通神,一点也不假。所有的好座位都留给了大人物。2. These fel


3. 毫无疑问的Unit 19 A freedom fighter-周南中学) be sure 必定,的确,诚然)for sure.肯定地,毫无疑问的seat 使就座,入座。u236|基于3个网页更多释义例句forsure的例句for sure:意思是确实。for sure+不定式往往表示推测的口气主语不一定是人表示确实必定。for sure侧重点用作定语,表示经证明可靠,确实。扩展资料for sure用法

三、for sure造句简单

1、One thing is for sure ─ it's not going to be easy. 有一点可以肯定——事情不会很容易。2、I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't say for sure. 我想他星期一会回for sure造句复制1、It'll workfor sure.(肯定能成功的。2、No one knowsfor surewhen or why it began to symbolize peace.(没有人确切地知道它是什么时候或者为什么开


标签: Because造句



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