

既有造句 2023-11-21 11:26 476 墨鱼


share ownership的造句和例句:1. Incentive mechanism of share ownership for high - tech industries高技术产业的股权激励机制2. Concerning some suggestions of incent26、For example, the French Revolution abolished feudalownershipand replaced it with bourgeoisownership. 27、Under the current levying land system,

?△? 5. ownership [ 5EunEFip ] n. 所有制The ownership of the land requires reforming.土地所有制需要改革。6. own [ Eun ] adj. 自己的,特有的vt. 拥有Not everything nownership certificate造句1、Article 17 The realty ownership certificate shall be the evidence for the holder's ownership of a realty. 2、Counterpar

ownership造句复制1、Private homeownershipis increasing faster than ever.(私有房产正以前所未有的速度增长。2、He was chafing under the company's newownership.(19、Joint ownership or lease of vacation property by several people who take turns occupying the premises for fixed periods. 20、The subway is undergoing repairs,

ˇωˇ hers造句简单hers造句简单Hers is a possessive pronoun that shows possession or ownership by a female. Here are some sentences using hers: 1. The red bicycle is he权威造句1. Brazil says its constitution forbids the privateownershipof energy assets. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。来自柯林斯例句2. The financing of homeownershipwill continu


标签: ownership的用法



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