

消极的情绪怎么表达 2023-12-03 22:51 322 墨鱼


译文:在XXX的负面影响下,和谐社会目标的实现,将受到威胁。适用范围:环境污染,网络问题,温室花朵,过分捕鱼,交通拥挤等消极的事物。2、XXX bring(s) great loss消费主义的消极影响英语作文Rational consumption is the basic way to establish a conservation oriented society, build a harmonious society, and promote the sustain

˙ω˙ 自考英语报名入口:affect:负面影响,消极影响,通常结果是坏的。强调影响动作或发展过程。第三人称单数:affects 现在分词:affecting 过去式:affected 过去分词:affected [例句]People tend to th17.However, this negative influence does not take a leading position compared with the positive one.不过,相对于积极影响而言,这种消极影响并不占主导地位。18.On the

negative influence 英文发音:ˈneɡətɪv ˈɪnfluəns]中文释义:消极影响例句:This will often exert much negative influence o高分英语作文1:negative influence Although computers bring convenience to people's work and play, they also bring negative effects. For example, many young people are a

Computer brings negative effects Although the computer to work and play in people's lives brings convenience but it also had a negative impact. For Have a negative effect on 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部has a negative impact on 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部Brings the negative effect

fight off the effect 消除影响;give effect to 使实施;go into effect 开始生效;have an effect 有功效三、用法不同1、affect 指“影响”时,有可能是好的影响,也可能是不environmental impact 环境影响waste 浪费sustainability 可持续性8分范文As advertising becomes increasingly pervasive and invasive, concerns and questions have a


标签: 抱怨会带来什么负面影响



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