

英语固定搭配短语大全 2024-01-05 19:00 189 墨鱼


8.dark money 加班费9.earnest money 定金10.fairy money 捡的钱11.folding money 纸币12.front money 预会金13.glove money 贿赂14.good money 有利可I need a little more pocket money this week.gas/petrol, lunch, , rent, etc 油费,午餐费,租金等Could you lend me some lunch money today?prize, grant, scholarship 比赛

1、easy money 钱来的容易He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think he'll find it's quite a different story. 他觉得营销工作赚钱很容易。marry money 1. 同有钱人结婚She has married money. 她已同有钱人结婚。Money talks. 1. 金钱万能;有钱能使鬼推磨。spend money like water 1. 挥金如土They both spen

Adjectives 'Money' Money的形容词搭配easy money 钱来的容易He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think he'll find it's quite a different story他认为做营销工作Adjectives + "Money" Money的形容词搭配easy money 钱来的容易He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think he'll find it's quite a different story他认为做

∩^∩ 7、Hard-earned money 辛苦钱和前边的Easy money相呼应,难赚的钱就是Hard-earned money。8、Hush money 封口钱我们都知道Hush就是中文里让人闭嘴的“嘘”,owe + money 欠钱She owes Thomas a lot of money. 她欠托马斯很多钱。share + money 分钱Let's share the money we've found! 我们把找到的钱分了吧!accept, take + money 收


标签: buy的用法结构和短语搭配



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