
sense of taste,sense of taste翻译

sense的名词 2023-12-19 10:23 990 墨鱼

sense of taste,sense of taste翻译

+ω+ sense of taste 英美n.味觉sense of taste的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译味觉味觉,情趣感英英释义sense of taste的用法和样例:例味觉───Sense of taste;味觉───Sense of taste 双语使用场景Before the scandal, Mrs. Madoff radiated an understatedsense of taste.───丑闻之前,麦道夫太太表现

网络释义1. 感觉—上对酸甜苦辣的区分。而我所关注的不是对料理品嚐的感觉(a sense of taste),是对料理品嚐的感觉予以区辨的监赏(a t…csat.tw|基于1 个网页2.in the sense就…意义而言in the sense of 从……意义上说in the real sense 真正意义上地相似单词tasten. 1.[C,U] 味道2.[U] 味觉3.[C][taste of sth.]【通常作单数】

参考词典中sense of taste的常规释义:基本释义味觉英英解释1个名词解释the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in theMysense of tasteisn't very good; I have a cold. 我的味觉不是很好,我感冒了. 辞典例句It lets you experience a differentsense of tasteand environment excitement

美英un.味觉同义词n. taste,palate,discrimination,sensitivity,perception 英汉un. 1. 味觉例句释义:全部,味觉更多例句筛选sense of taste S 开头单词基本解释[生理] 味觉同根派生sense of taste相关词英汉例句双语例句“I just restored your impaired sense of taste Mr. Smith, ”says t


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