

用四个在造句 2023-12-13 18:24 995 墨鱼


单词sweeping 例句大全,用单词sweeping造句:Sweepingaccuracy. 扫频准确度sweepingelectron beam. 扫描电子束Becky issweepingthe floor. 贝基正在扫地。She issweepingwShe was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan. 她在厨房里正把面包屑扫到一个簸箕里。She is sweeping with a broom. 她在用扫帚扫地。Are they sweeping the

用sweeping造句挺难的The method swept america law schools .这种方法普及于美国的法律学校。It swept europe, but not germany .它支配了欧洲,但并没支配德意志。The st4. A gardener is sweeping the tennis court. 一个园林工正在打扫网球场。5. Be sure to sweep the room clean. 一定要把房间打扫干净。6. Did you sweep out the closet

She issweepingwith a broom. 她在用扫帚扫地. 《简明英汉词典》Hissweepingremarks offended many people. 他笼统的讲话冒犯了许多人. 《简明英汉词典》Sweepingall othersweeping造句复制1、The owner of the shop wassweepinghis floor when I walked in.(当我走进来时,那个店的店主正在扫地板。2、Whilesweepingthe floor, I found his pe

╯△╰ sweep造句如下:1、Can you please stop sweeping girls off their feet and go sweep something else?请不要再迷倒1、The observation deck in the sphere offers asweeping viewof the city. 2、From an attic window, we could get asweeping viewof the river where their


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