

陷入困境 2023-11-11 20:50 281 墨鱼


a我担心,我们认识的时间这么短,领事馆能批准吗I worried, we knew the time is such short, the consulate can authorize[translate] a是某人陷入困境Is somebody falls in沪江词库精选使某人陷入困境英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息get sb. into trouble 翻译推荐某.some 某some 某东西thingamy 某牌brand 某酐anhydride 某硝酮nitrone

run sb. into difficulties get sb. into trouble get sb. in trouble make sb. in trouble(1) be in trouble意为“有困难;陷入困境”。如:He always asks me for help when he is in trouble. (2) get sb. into trouble 意为“使某人陷入困境”。

1、使突陷困境Manyinvestors were caught out by the fall in share prices. 许多投资者由于股价下跌而突然陷入困境。2、抓住某人的短处;指出无知;指出过失Detectives followedleave sb. high and dry的意思是“to do something that is not at all convenient for someone and puts them in a very difficult situation”,即“给某人带来麻烦,使某人陷入

要表达使某人陷入困境,还可以用与trouble 相关的短语get sb into trouble 或put sb to trouble 等,例如:My brother was always getting me into trouble with my parents.以前be a trouble to sb对某人是个麻烦be a trouble to do干某事是件麻烦事be in trouble处于困境get sb into trouble使某人陷入困境get out of trouble摆脱困境have trouble doin

要表达使某人陷入困境,还可以用与trouble 相关的短语get sb into trouble 或put sb to trouble 等,例如:my brother was always getting me into trouble wi表示“某人陷入…困境中”,比如“be mired in controversy”就是深陷争议泥潭中的意思►例句:A good politician today couldbe mired inlifelong scandal tomorrow. 今天一个优秀


标签: 陷入困境短语



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