
superstar,super star翻译

super star音乐 2023-11-30 13:09 328 墨鱼
super star音乐

superstar,super star翻译

star,megastar,celebrity,luminary,icon 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义superstar n. 1. 超级明星a very famous performer, for example an actor, a singer or a sports Superstar - 马思唯词:马思唯曲:马思唯制作人:马思唯编曲:杨一YYKBZ/白耀坤Yoken 混音:高宇豪母带:张步若录音:杨一YYKBZ/白耀坤Yoken 录音室:YBM Studi

+△+ But you must be some kind of superstar但你一定是某个明星Cause you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为无论你在哪都能引人注目查看完整歌词设为彩铃1海王- Superstar Feeling some connection to the things you do感觉你做的事情似乎都与我有关I don't know what it is我不知道这算什么That makes me feel like this但这让我有了此般感受


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