
遗失启事英语作文模板,lost and found英语作文

寻物启事英语作文模板 2023-12-09 19:48 575 墨鱼

遗失启事英语作文模板,lost and found英语作文


英语寻物启事篇1 Lost I lost a yellow handbag in the school libraty yesterday.There are the keys to my bedroom and my bike,my student ID card,pens and some money 关于”遗失启事“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Lost。以下是关于遗失启事的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Lost On the afternoon o

∪^∪ My name is Xiao Hong,Class Two of Grade Three.Come to my classroom directly or give me a call.My telephone number is xxxxx.Thank you very much! 英语寻物启事格式篇6 A P失物招领启事英语作文篇1 On the evening of January 4th, 20xx, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading-room on the 3rd floor of the n

经历与感受【题目要求】假定你是新华中学的学生李华,上周日你不慎把书包遗失在操场上,里面有学生证、手机、钱包等物品,你校外教Mr. Smith 捡到后上交给学校。请你用英语给他写封感二、英语作文寻物启事Lost Hello,everyone!I'mLiXiafromClassOneGradeOne.IlostagreenschoolbaginthereadingroomonthenightofMay14th.ThereweretwoEnglishbooks,apencilbox,

英语作文寻物启事1 I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about审题:这是一篇寻物启事。步骤2: 引入话题:概述遗失物件及其遗落时间和地点展开话题:介绍遗失相机的特点话题结论:说明自己的联系方式范文:On the evening


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