
be contract to,contract的同义词

attract的短语搭配 2023-11-29 09:35 530 墨鱼

be contract to,contract的同义词

contract作“缩小”解时,指由于内部的力量,使物体的范围和结构收缩集中,多用作不及物动词,引申可表示缩写,这时常接介词to。也可用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾仍然觉得使用“Be-contracted-to-do”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧!免费试用他们的意见: 乐趣维克多(德国,科隆) 创新玛丽(阿姆斯特丹,荷兰) 我喜

contract,拉到一起,作名词指合同、契约。contract作动词,指使收缩、使缩小、使缩短(合作就是缩短彼此的距离),以及:患上、感染疾病(此为正式用法),contract也指与……订立declaring an unpatented technology in the contractto be a patented technology ;, 在合同中将非专利技术称为专利技术;相关词条+contractions 1 . 缩写形式

a contract for the supply of vehicles 车辆供应合约to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school 获得承建一所新学校的合同These clauses form part of the contcontract在法律文件中通常译为“合同”或“契约”;在香港,也译为“合约”。例The prospective new contractor will have the obligation to destroy the remaining anti-person

contract for订契约,承包,承建contract for a house承包盖房屋contract out of订约使自己不受…的约束,退出合同contract out of an agreement订明不受契约限制contract contrary to 基本解释be contrary to的近义词与…相反be contrary to 网络解释1. 与相反:ing 的词组| be contrary to 与相反| object to 反对2. 违反;反对:be

╯^╰〉 contract的例句:1. A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually. 正式签订了每年可续签的合同。2. That contract proved to be a millstone around his neck网络承包给网络释义1. 承包给英汉税务名词_xuanxuanma_新浪博客Concurrently engaged in 兼营Contract to承包给Establishment 机构|基于1 个


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