

those例句 2023-11-28 20:02 865 墨鱼


2They的双语例句1、They will trudge along, facing a growing set of roadblocks, until, exhausted,theycollapse. 他们会一路跋涉,遭遇路上不断出现的一系列障碍,直到筋疲力尽,单词They 例句大全,用单词They造句:Aah!Theyre using real bullets! 天啊,他们用的是真子弹!Aah look where we are, Weve done whattheythought we couldnt 看看我们身处

1、they are students (加职业、身份等名词)翻译:他们都是学生。2、they are beautiful (加形容词)翻译:他英[ðeɪ] pron.他们;它们;她们;众人网络人们;噩梦缠身;鬼物权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义they 显示所有例句pron. 1. 他们;她们;它们people, animals or things that

they 英[ðeɪ] 考点解读托福雅思剑雅词频:1577 they 常考释义pron. 他们;它们;她们雅思常考例句OFFICIAL: Well,they'll have a lot of equipment, so r1. They decided to take a risk and start their own business. 2. They had a heated argument over who should lead the team. 3. They had a lot of fun going on a road

they 相关例句代词1. They say another school will be built here.    据说这里要再建一所学校。2. They say we are going to have a new 参考例句Objects made of or work done in wood,especially wooden interior fittings in a house,as moldings,doors,staircases,or windowsills. 木制器用木头制成的物品或


标签: us造句简单句子



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