
she is got 和she has got,she is gone

has got的用法 2023-12-31 17:15 327 墨鱼
has got的用法

she is got 和she has got,she is gone

1. A. The woman thinks she is cleverer than the man.B. The man behaves as if he were a thorough fool.C. The man is unhappy with the woman's remark.D. The woman seldom s"Got"和"has got"之间的区别在于"got"是"get"的过去式,而"has got"是现在完成时的形式。Get"是意为“获得”或“拿到”的动词。Got"是“get”的过去式,表示过去某个时刻获得了某

(we’ve got=we have got) (you’ve got=you have got they’ve got=they have got) She’s got a cat. (she’s got=she has got) (he’s got=he has got it’s got=it has got) ihas got主语是第三人称单数,have got用于主语是除第三人称单数外的其它人称。has got和have got都是“有”的意思。例句:I have got a cat.我有一只猫。She has got two big ears

she's got blue eyes. 中的she's got 是she has got 的缩写.is got是获得,has got是有;得到。has got是拥有、有、过去完成时,是have got 的第三人称单数,is got前所有称谓形态都可以使用,没有固定。

一、用havegot或hasgot填空1、I__h_a_v_e__g_o_t_apen.2.We__h_a__v_e_g__o_t_somebooks.3.He__h__a_s_g__o_t__adog.4.She___h_a_s__g_o_t___twooranges.5.Tom_shes got的完整形式是She has got.have/have got 现在完成时扩展资料英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。

She says that she is cold. 4.ill I’m ill. What’s that? He says that he is ill. has/have(got) 5.a cold I have a cold. What’s that? He says that h一、用havegot或hasgot填空1、I___havegotapen.2.We___havegotsomebooks.hasgotadog.3.He___4.She___twooranges.hasgothasgotsometoys.5.Tom___gotabird?6.___Haveyou___gotaT—shirt?7.___yourfa


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