
widest point

iPhone手机怎么上外网 2023-12-04 18:11 903 墨鱼

widest point

72. about twenty-four kilometers across at its widest point 表示具体宽度时,可用…is…数字)wide;在表示具体跨度时,还可用…is…数字) across。此处的主At itswidestpoint, Antarctica is about 4,000 miles across. 其最宽阔处约4000英里。The Niagara Falla is the name of thewidestwaterfall in America. 尼亚加拉瀑布是美

12. Widest point in Jiuquan City and between the Qaidam Basin, 300 km. (翻译:最宽处在酒泉市与柴达木盆地之间,达300千米。13. He said the Bush administration was lookingThe breadth of a ship at thewidestpoint. 船幅船体的最大宽度Touches thewidestscope of people and geography. 涉及最广泛的人与地理范围明天你要采取怎样的行动So I ju

≥0≤ widest 1. Analog Devices'offers the widest selection of multipliers and dividers. ADI公司提供种类最齐全的乘法器和除法器供您选择。2. Teach has the widest use in fAt its widest point, Antarctica is about 4,000 miles across.其最宽阔处约4000英里。The Niagara Falla is the name of the widest waterfall in America.尼亚加拉瀑布是

The differential output gap between china and its major trading partners likely reached its cyclically widest point in the first half of 2010 . 中国与主要贸易伙伴Widest point in Jiuquan City and between the Qaidam Basin, 300 km. 最宽处在酒泉市与柴达木盆地之间,达300千米. 互联网14、Access the industry � � s widest arr


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