

以至于英语 2023-11-30 13:11 569 墨鱼


国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship 校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship 校三等奖:The Third Priza今天我在复习地理Today I in review geography[translate] a我的英语口语流利,并且曾经在英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖My English spoken language was fluent, and once won

I've participated in the competition before and has won the first prize in this contest.I once won the first prize in the school maths competition.我曾经获得过全校数学比赛一等奖

i has won first prize in English speech contest at school.解析根据句意可知,句子时态为一般过去时,所填部分为“我曾经获得一等奖”。win赢得,在……中获胜,其过去式为won, the first prize一等奖,once为副词,意为“曾经”。故答案

英文翻译He once won the first prize 重点词汇曾经───once 双语使用场景On hearing that the new novel was published, he rushed atonceto the bookshop for a copy1996年代表中国一举夺得由英国伦敦ESU(世界英语联合会)举办的世界英语演讲比赛总冠军,她演讲的主题是“The Mirror and I”。1997年毕业于南京大学外国语学院英语系,同年进入央(yang

一等奖的英文:the first prize 读音:英[ðə fə:st praiz] 美[ði fɚst praɪz] 头彩;头奖一、first 英[fɜːst] 美[fɜːrst] det./ord.第一;最重要的first prize一等奖(无需定冠词the) 【例句】Li Yundi was just 18 when he won first prize / at the prestigious International Chopin Competition in Warsaw. 李云迪在华沙(波


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