
log onto造句,stay up造句

fresh造句 2024-01-08 23:47 775 墨鱼

log onto造句,stay up造句

log onto的造句和例句:1. The fire flared up as i put more logs onto it 我加了几块木材,火顿时亮了起来。2. The name of the user currently logged onto the machine 类型英语造句1、Just takea picture of me now.(快给我拍张照片啊。2、Can we takea picture of it?(我们可以照张相吗? 3、He snappeda picture of me.(他为我照了一张相

答案解析结果1 Please help me move the box onto the desk .请帮我把这个箱子移到桌子上. 视频讲解专业解析,一看就会为你推荐查看更多英语造句急!Why no网络释义1. 登陆预制语块1_ILoveEnglish_新浪博客appeal to 吸引log onto登陆(网络等) be full of 充满,满是blog.sina.cn|基于14个网页2. 进入系统牛津初

后台检查点进程已挂起,直到有可用的锁。Writes a record marking the end of thecheckpointto the log file. 将标记检查点结束的记录写入日志文件。单词checkpoint 释义单only to discover that 造句1、I rushed to the door, only to discover that it was locked and barred. 2、She and Monica try to figure out the secret r

onto的造句如下:1、This system uses powerful microchips to compress huge amounts of data onto a CD-ROM.这一系统使用功能强大的微芯片来把大量数据压缩到CD-onto造句1、、The dye is adsorbed onto the fibre.(染料已吸附在纤维上。2、The ship was blown onto the rocks.(强风使船撞上了礁石。3、This door gives onto the ha

●▽● 29、Seconds later Harry's feet slammedontohard ground and he fellontohis hands and knees in the yard of the Burrow.单词hold onto 例句大全,用单词hold onto造句:tohold ontothe handlebars. 抓住把手You cannothold ontoyesterday. 不要沉溺过去。to hold/ hang/ cling onto something


标签: stay up造句



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