
have the ability翻译,To begin with

abusing翻译 2023-12-19 20:06 908 墨鱼

have the ability翻译,To begin with

aI didn't ask too high I think? 正在翻译,请等待[translate] aDied of illness.. 死于病症。translate] aNext, he admitted that they’re concerned about their prohave the ability to do 强调某种特定的执行能力(特指,能做)have ability to do 强调主体

have the ability发音意思翻译有本事有能力相似词语短语the ability───能力ability───n.能力,能耐;才能the ability to───……的能力havethe───拥有cognability翻译ability翻译是:能力,能耐;才能例句:At present, he does not have the ability to support himself. 目前他还不具备养活自己的能力。©2022 Baidu |由百度智

12. In ancient times people who were thought to have the ability to ___dreams were likely to be highly respected. A. impart B. inherit C. interpret D. intervene 13. It whave the capacity and capabilities 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部Has ability 相关内容a他们对我们的提议做出了积极回应正在翻译,请等待[translate] a

Have the ability in doing sth. 英美有做某事的才干。分享单词到:Themainrequirementisaopenheartandanopenmind.ShemusthavetheabilitytoshareherlifeexperienceswithmeasIwouldwith her. 主要的要求就是要心胸开朗,思想开放,她有和我生活经

在英语中,“have the ability to”是一个常用的短语,它表示“具有能力去做某事”。这个短语可以用于各种语境中,例如:- She has the ability to speak five languages fluent比如你要说“有阅读能力”,可能会说"have the ability of reading", 但这是错的,应该说“have the ability to read”。但如果换成capability,就可以说"have the capability


标签: To begin with



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