

英语打电话开头用语 2023-11-29 23:06 654 墨鱼


pick up接电话put up 搭起;举起ring up 打电话set up 建立;设立show up 赶到;露面stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜stand up 起立take up(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做turn up 调高(接电话的英文短语1.put sb on to; 2.to lift the telephone; 3.to pick up the telephone; 4.answer the phone 5.get on the phone 接电话的英语例句1. She ran back to th

ˇ^ˇ 英语打电话口语的表达是和*常英语交流方式是不太一样的,以下是小编分享给大家的英语打电话的必备短语,欢迎阅读!Introductions 以自我介绍开始电话交谈:"Hell英语打电话口语的表达是和平常英语交流方式是不太一样的,以下是小编分享给大家的英语打电话的必备短语,欢迎阅读!Introductions 以自我介绍开始电话交谈:"Hello, this is Peter Jon

打电话必背英文短语1、空号:中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial1.打电话常用英语短语(一) 打电话的人找的是你自己,你又恰好接了电话。A: Daisy 在吗?Is Daisy there? B: 我就是。1. Speaking. 2. This is she/he. 3. You're speaking/talkin

本文总结三个短语:avoid calls,不接电话;return sb's call,回电话;in which case,在这种情况下。1 avoid calls,不接电话Sheldon:I'm trying to invite my stupid brother to my w接电话的英文短语1.put sb on to; 2.to lift the telephone; 3.to pick up the telephone; 4.answer the phone 5.get on the phone 接电话的英语例句1. She ran back to the pho


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