
set sth up,与set有关的重点短语

skill set 2023-12-26 22:22 303 墨鱼
skill set

set sth up,与set有关的重点短语

set sth up发音意思翻译设立;开动相似词语短语set up───v.建立;装配;开业;竖立;建立;创建;安排;组建up set───上端局设备;上移安置take up sth───拿起某set sth up造句1. I need to set up a meeting with my boss to discuss my performance review. 2. Can you help me set up the new TV we just bought? 3. Sarah is going

set sth up 英文:set sth up 中文意思:网络] 设立;开动;摆放或竖起某物keep sth. for future use; not use up (sth.) 储存,储蓄Save your strength for the hard work you'll have to do later. 养精蓄锐以应付今后你得去从事的繁重工作。C

ˋ^ˊ set sth up 基本解释:设立,开动set sth up 是什么意思及中文翻译:设立,开动常用英语单词表网络设立;开动;摆放或竖起某物

set sth up 英美开动;设立set sth up的用法和样例:例句He pushed a button and set the machine in motion. 他按下按钮开动了机器。The tractor driverset up•Cahill has alwaysprotestedhisinnocence, andinsiststhat someoneset him up.•It'll take a few minutes toset the camera up.•We'veset upamicrophonein thecorner.•Dadset upas abu


标签: 与set有关的重点短语



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