

以告终的英文 2023-12-11 16:36 831 墨鱼


\ _ / 英语写作高级短语句子篇1 短语be closely related to…与…息息相关2. be essential to sb 对某人来说必不可少3. in a society with more competitions an英语短语1 第一组1.With the help of 在帮助下under the leadership / care of 在领导/关心下2.be strict with sb. 对人要求严格be strict in sth. 对事要求严格3. at pr

end up with以……结束【记】end 结束+up 全部=(生命、职业、战争等)全面结束例:How does the film end up?这个电影是怎么结尾的?。fix up解决,安排,修理【记】fix 修理、安排+自考英语报名入口:end up with 以……结束1142小时前发布嗷哟嗷哟The party was ended with a song. 1562小时前发布明亮的月光丶夜灬end up with/tobe over 2295小时前发布瑶瑶然

英语常见介词短语1 be/get/become used to 习惯于be given to 喜欢;癖好be related to与…有关系be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾be opposed to反对devot以…结束英语短语end up with sth./sb.. 以某人/某事结束end up with 结束;以…而结束;以…告终例句与用法1.start with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up

在英语中,end 常作名词,意为”终结,结局,尽头“等,它还可以作动词,意为”结束,终止“,对应的短语动词主要有end in 和end up,其中end in 后面跟名词,那end up 后面到一、动词be构成的短语动词1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名be known for因……而出名be known to为……所知be known by凭……而知2.be married to与……结婚She is

学位英语必考短语篇1 1. suppose that 假如2. put on v. 穿上,把……放在上,装出,假装,增加,欺骗,添上,使靠……维持生命3. put off v. 推迟,拖延,judge sb /sth by sth 以…判定/评价judge sb /sth to be 估计…是…judging from 根据…来判断judged by 根据…来判断as far as one can judge 据我看来in one’s judgement


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