
where do you come from的用法,where doyou come

where are come 2023-11-23 20:40 630 墨鱼
where are come

where do you come from的用法,where doyou come

1、用法不同:Where are you from 你来自哪里;Where do you come from 你来自哪里;同一个意思,一个是系动词用法(2) A: Where did you come from?你从哪里来?B: I just got back from the grocery store.我刚从商店回来。Where do you come from以上两个含义都可以表达,具体指哪种,要看语境,

1、用法不同:Where are you from 你来自哪里;Where do you come from 你来自哪里;同一个意思,一个是系动词用法,另一个是实义动词用法。2、语境不同:where do you come from是2. ---Where are you from? ---I’m from China. ---Where do you come from? ---I come from China. 3. ---Where is he/ she from? ---He/She is from Japan. 4. ---What’s

Couldyoupleasetellmeyour/his/hername?你/他/她叫什么名字?12、MynameisJane.我名叫简13、Whereareyoufrom?=Wheredoyoucomefrom?Whereishe/shefrom?=Wheredoeshe/shecomefrom?你/Where Do You Come From意思翻译“Where do you come from?”是一个非常普遍的口头表达,表达的意思就是“你从哪里来?”。这句话也可以用来表达对一个人出生地或者家乡的好

采纳率:41% 等级:12 已帮助:8209人私信TA向TA提问满意答案Where are you from 你来自哪里Where do you come from 你来自哪里同一个意思一个是系动词用法另一6、Where does the rain come from? 雨来自哪里?--It comes from the clouds. 它来自云。7、Where are you from?(Where do you come from?) 你来自哪里?--I come from China.(I’m from China

ˇωˇ where do you come from同义句where do you come from同义句人类曾有过许多探索自身起源的渴望。现代科学已经帮助我们理解了许多有关该话题的事实,但尚未解答所有的谜团。本海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Where do you come from的在线翻译,Where do you come from是什么意思,Where do you come from的真人发音,权威用法和精选


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