
hundreds of造句,education造句简单带翻译

dangerous造句 2023-12-12 22:53 149 墨鱼

hundreds of造句,education造句简单带翻译

单词hundreds of 例句大全,用单词hundreds of造句:Hundreds of birds adoring a ph.百鸟朝凰下载He acquired hundreds of books at last.他终于得到几百本书。They agree i⽤hundred造句⼦_hundreds造句1、It's far; hundreds and hundreds of kilometers.2、In hundreds and thousands 3、Others cost hundreds of dollars.4、It's hundreds of

There are hundreds of teachers in the school.There were hundreds of teachers attending this meeting.他的意思是成百上千eg:there are hundreds of birds are1、It's far; hundreds andhundreds ofkilometers. 2、There arehundreds ofrows. 3、Scientists builthundreds oflasers. 4、Treeshundreds offeet tall 5、I

hundreds of=成千上万的;数以百计的e.g. There are hundreds of people hurring home during the Spring Festival. (春节期间,成千上万的人都在赶往家过年hundreds of造句复制1、There are literallyhundreds ofprizes to win.(真的有好几百份奖品可以领呀。2、She has coachedhundreds ofyoung singers.(她培养了许许多多的青年歌手。

1、Hundreds of students participated in the compaign。成百上千的学生参加了这场运动。2、Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years词语hundreds of造句,用hundreds of造句:01the land highly developed in Taipei basin, can live trees hundreds of years old, is precious can be counted on one's finge


标签: education造句简单带翻译



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