
cure of造句,prohibit from造句

put up with造句 2024-01-08 23:47 543 墨鱼
put up with造句

cure of造句,prohibit from造句

Tina Rosenbergcontends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure,in which organizations and officals use the power of groupcure of造句1.Doctors are now able to cure people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.现在医生能够治愈过去的许多不治之症. 2.He is cured o

cure oneself of 改正,克服…full cure 充分硫化finished cure 后硫化hard cure 硬焙烘heating cure 加温固化under cure 【化】欠硫starvation cure 饥饿疗法,禁食疗法finishing cuNothing could cure herofher impatience with Anna. 治愈她与安娜在一起时的不耐烦He struggled to rid himselfofhis fears. 2、上面的这种结构特别像双宾语变形前的结构,也有人

ˇ▽ˇ cure sb of sth 造句cure sb of sth造句1.她经历了心理治疗后,终于被治愈了抑郁症。2.这种药物可以治愈他的感冒。3.长期的物理治疗帮助他从脊柱损伤中恢复过来。4.这项手22. There is now hope of a cure. 现在有望治愈了。《牛津词典》23. There is still no cure for a cold. 治感冒仍然没有特效药。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》24. The cure

(`▽′) He very fear, ask cure of one accuse falsely to help then.───他很害怕,于是请一诬医帮忙. After cure of ENL, the levels were restored to those before ENL.───cure of基本解释治好;矫正cure of的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The doctor devoted himself to thecureofcancer . 这名医生把自己奉献于癌症的治


标签: prohibit from造句



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