

regularly短语 2023-12-22 12:30 853 墨鱼


短语词组用作名詞(n.) 動詞+~ break traditions 打破傳統carry 〔destroy, hand down〕a tradition 發敭〔燬掉,繼承〕傳統keep up 〔maintain, uphold〕a tradition tradition的意思n.传统惯例tradition词组短语cultural tradition:文化传统by tradition:照传统;根据口传oral tradition:口头传统;口传;口传tradition同

tradition 习惯用语by tradition■照传统;据口传true to tradition■名不虚传地特殊用法cultural tradition■文化传统genre tradition■佛兰德斯画派描绘乡村生活的绘画传统Bacon is often credited with being the first in a tradition of thought known as British empiricism,这句话把短语in a tradition of thought挑出来,剩下的部分就很好理解了,是

tradition短语搭配1. Cultural tradition:文化传统2. Traditional values:传统价值观3. Traditional ceremony:传统仪式4. Traditional clothing:传统服装5. Traditional3.【B篇】The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age diffe

tradition广义指世代相传的伦理、行为规范和生活方式,特指因长久奉行而几乎具有法律效力的习惯、习俗,侧重历史意义。英语解释a specific practice of long standing an inhtradition 词态变化:复数:traditions 包含tradition的单词更多> 包含tradition的短语更多> This would be to abandon atradition. 这是一项被遗弃了的传统。ChineseTraditio

˙△˙ 当“惯例”时是可数的,比如:It is a tradition that women get married in long white dresses in that area.tradition短语搭配cultural tradition 文化传统btradition短语【释义】tradition n.传统,惯例;传统故事,传说,传统信仰;和著名历史人物有共同品质的人;(神学)圣传复数traditions 【短语】1oral tradition 口头传统


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