
more about than,about

表示比较的形容词 2023-11-19 16:49 744 墨鱼

more about than,about

So, there's never a reason for you to be wallowing around in a problem for more than about a second? 所以,永远不会有什么理由让你陷入问题中超过一秒钟的,不是吗?sonThe English subjugation of Ireland turned out to be far more than the capture and absorption of a territory or kingdom, a practice with which humans

●▂● No 1. I know more about sth than sb I know more about drones(无人机) than anynody. I know more about ISIS than the generals(将军) do, believe me. I know more about the More than one knows about it.不只一人知道此事。3. more than +形容词,意思是"非常","很"。如:He is more than pleased with the result.他对这结果非常满意。The boy is more

(^人^) There are many more people than we expected. 比我们想象的人要多得多。2. 表示“与其……不如”。如:He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。It is even mFind out more Home insurance Start a quote Find out more Landlord insurance Start my quote Find out more Business Cost of living support Worried about your insurance payments? Please

more…than的意思是比……更多;比…更;与其说……不如说。more,作副词时意为“更多;此外;更大程度地”,作形容词时意为“更多的;附加的”,作代词时意为“更多的数量”,作名词时意为1more … than的基本用法在more … than结构中,more是much或many的比较级,修饰形容词、副词、介词、动词或名词,相当于greater, in a greater degree,表示“比……更”,其

than 意思是不止,超过。more about意思是关于。more有时不用于构成比较级,而是本身就是比较级,此时其后可能接可数或不可数名词。more about后面加单词的动名词How he manages to live is more than I can tell. 他是如何生活的,我猜不透。It’s more than flesh and blood can bear. 此非血肉之躯所能忍受。二. more than的否定结构more than的否定结构


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