

visit sb 2024-01-03 18:49 403 墨鱼
visit sb


[例句]American visiting professor and student programs.visiting nurse───访视护士;n.上门服务护士,家庭病房护士visiting team───客队;巡查班双语使用场景Many a student looking forward to visiting the United States

>▽< 12、The relevant policies of attracting and applying personnelstudying abroadis key to exploit our national resource of talentstudying abroad. 13、TWe welcome undergraduate and postgraduate visiting students from across the world.The host department carries the responsibility of verifying that every

你可以直接说你是访问学生(visiting student),然后问他有没有学费就行了。联培一般不用交学费的。emuch.net|基于69个网页2. 进修生当进修生(visiting stud黎巴嫩Josepy室友为我们准备的特色黎巴嫩餐(味道不错,也很特别) 土耳其某咖啡厅合影留念(来自加拿大的短期visiting student:Zac) 我的书桌(老板配的顶配Macbook Pro,特地收拾了,由

≥△≤ student造句student 1、Astudentwill probably attend four or five courses during each semester. 每个学生一学期可能要修四五门课程。2、Thestudentworked himself into attending造句1、She hadn't been attending during the lesson. 2、She is attending an art school. 3、I'll be attending the Melbourne Tafe. 4、Trainin

>▂< 💬Three weeks later, while visiting Ohio, Melinda died. ——如果本篇笔记对你有启发,欢迎点赞、收藏、评论并关注Eton哟!点赞和收藏一起点,反复观看,反复进步!不怕想用时找不visiting specialist的造句和例句:1. In the direction of sociological theory , this paper related the theoretical and practical problem of the undergraduate ' s pr


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