

用so造句简单的句子 2023-12-16 18:16 838 墨鱼


Whilelistening to the radio,she fell asleep.她在听收音机时睡着了。Whilein London,he studied music and painting.在伦敦时,他学习音乐和绘画。六、while可用作名词,意1、She fell while toddling around. 她在蹒跚学步时摔倒了。2、David rang up while you were out. 你不在的时候戴维打电话来了。3、Keep still while I br

Ill be back in a little while. 我一会儿就回来。It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system. 这药得需要一段时间才能排出你的体外。扩展资料You'll water theI'll be back in a while.我一会儿就回来.conj.1. 当的时候,和同时She listened closely while he read the letter.他读信时,她听得很仔细.I'll take ca

∪▽∪ 在Python 的世界里面,可以用while 和for 来表示重复,也就是循环。while循环while 活着:每天做着一样的事情。这样写的意思就是,只要你活着,就一直不断的执行while下面的语句用When 和While 造句用When 和While 造句I will let you know when he es back. 他回来的时候我会告诉你的。I was listening to music while mum was cooking in the k

14、You have to express yourself now,whileyour emotions roil,whileyour temper flares,whileyour humor lasts. 15、Brother six gods, nowhere to hide, h1.I was dance while my sister was sing.2.He whiled away the whole afternoon watching TV.3.While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape.4.I


标签: while引导过去进行时的用法



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