

英语书信常用语 2023-12-07 23:16 725 墨鱼


1、英文电子邮件格式(1) Dear Mary, This is Tom… Look forward to seeing you soon. Best regards, Tom Yu (以上每一行,或者每个段落,都是左对齐的) 2、英文电子邮件格式(2) 英文电子邮件常用短语句子,E-mailsphrasebank1BasicsFormal/NeutralInformalNameDearMr/Ms/MrsDupuisDearMaryHi/HelloMaryMary,(ornonameatall)Previouscon

1.电子邮件问题-"My email is getting full. I better delete some old mail." -"I better save my emails to my hard drive so I can make some room in my inbox." -"How do I 例如,多数人邮件开头的问候语都是:“Hello Peter”、“Dear colleagues”或者“Dear leadership team”等友好、恰当的词语,这样能为整封邮件营造出一个良好的交流氛围。写好了开头

电子邮件是—种用电子手段提供信息交换的通信方式,是互联网应用最广的服务。通过网络的电子邮件系统,用户可以以非常低廉的价格(不管发送到哪里,都只需负担网费邮件英语最常用的100个句型1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you…我写信时要确认/询问/通知你…2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the

∪﹏∪ 这可能需要几周时间,但请留意您的电子邮件。➕in due course: 在适当的时候;及时地4. I hope this helps in the meantime but please let me know if I can be of any further assWe look forward to hearing from you soon. Your response would be highly appreciated.(最常用) Looking forward to your sharing. Looking forward to your updates. 3.如果对

比如Please refer to the attached file for more details.。英语邮件常用句子用英文写电子邮件的常用句式1. Greeting message 祝福Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。How are you? 你好吗?How is the pr


标签: 英文邮件用语



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