
make…into造句,be similar to造句简单一点

give back造句 2023-12-25 20:15 190 墨鱼
give back造句

make…into造句,be similar to造句简单一点

They make the milk into cheese.(他们把牛奶制成了奶酪。)The wood was made into furniture.(木头被制成了家具。)She makes the flowers into a wreath.(她把花编成了make sb/sth into sb/sth 把…变成We're making our attic into an extra bedroom. 我们要把阁楼改装一下,增加一间卧室。make sth of sb/sth 领会;理解;懂得What do you make of

make into 读音汉语翻译把制成,使转变为例句:Anybody who did anything in America up to1900 was liable to bemade intoa film on the grounds of being a pmake into 把…做成She made the material into a dress.她将衣料制成一件衣服。把…转变为,使成为They made the story into a play.他们把这个故事改编成了戏剧。

make with 产生,造出,做出,拿出,装出make as if to 装作要make it to 到达实现(达到一个终极目标,或一个艰难的目标) make by vt.通过方式表示,被拥戴为at make 在接通位置上make int例句:I make it into the darkness with only one stumble . 翻译:我只是绊了一下,周围就变成了一片黑暗。例句:While herbalists make dandelion into tincture , the leaves can be eaten raw i

例如:我把一块面团变成了一个面包。在这个句子中,make into" 表示将面团变成了面包。另一个例子是:他把他的房间变成了一个书房。在这个例子中,make into" 表示将房间变成了造句:The company make an attempt at breaking/ to break into the American market. 公司试图打入美国市场attend to(=)注意,照顾;同义替换:give one’s attention, care and t

6. I will make my hometown into a modern city. 我要把家乡变成一个现代化的城市。7. He made the bamboo into a fishing pole. 他用竹子做了一根钓鱼竿。8make into造句1、make intoa whole or make part of a whole. 2、你对女人的兴趣和关注,比正常人更强烈。再加上你喜欢追求刺激,喜欢新鲜感的*格,国外开放的成


标签: be similar to造句简单一点



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