
that is,that is的英译汉

that is right 2023-12-15 17:30 951 墨鱼
that is right

that is,that is的英译汉

1. 释义区别:"That is"的释义是指某事物或情况已被提及或引用,用于引述或概括。"This is"的释义是指当前正在我会对"that is"这个表达方式进行说明和例句展示。1. 定义:"that is"是一个常用的短语,通常用来表示解释或概括之前所说的事情。2. 用法:"that is"可以用作连词,引导后面的例子

The meaning of THAT is the person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation. How to use that in a sentence. that, whichthat is=即,也就是说。为插入语。he is a hero是补充语分句supplement,对前面的句子作补充、解释。

“That is”经常用于解释或澄清之前提到的观点或内容。例如,“He told me that he would be late, that is, he would arrive after 8pm.”(他告诉我他会迟到,也就是说,他会在“that is”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 那就是We'll meet you in a week, that is, on March 1. 我们一星期后见,即三月一号那天见。相关词语thatis

that is 美英na.就是说;用于纠正之前说过的内容网络即;那就是;换言之同义词adv. namely,that is to say,viz.,viz,specifically 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 就是说,即,用that is (to say)•Could youdescribethecurrentsellingcollectionhangingout there in agallerythat isalso your front room?•But it is not adreamthat islikelyto come true, though perhaps


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