

用such…that造句子简单 2023-12-24 19:07 184 墨鱼


1、althoughnot essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable.(统计学的知识虽非必要,但最好是学过一点。2、The two pictures are similar,althoughnot id2.I can look after myself, although is won’t be easy for me. 我可以照顾我自己,尽管这对我来说并不容易。3.So am I, but I can’t miss two weeks of sc

although造句简单一点Although the weather was bad, we still had a great time at the beach. Although she has a lot of friends, she often feels lonely. Although he 10、现在一看,还能回忆起当时的那种情绪,全是这种非常简单,直白,但是现在看起来觉得无病呻吟,甚至幼稚,羞耻的东西。11、到了第三或第四周,我们就可以开始使用

╯0╰ 今天来聊聊关于although造句子怎么写,although造句的文章,现在就为大家来简单介绍下although造句子怎么写,although造句,希望对各位小伙伴们有所帮助。1、Altho单词although 例句大全,用单词although造句:althoughthey didn't abandon them. 尽管他们并没有完全放弃。Althoughhe is over 70 he is still active. 虽然他年逾七十,可仍

factoryworker造句?I just act as a worker in the factory. 我只是在工厂里的当工人。So what about all those factory worker pay increases? 那么,工厂工although造句简单一点Although it was raining heavily, I decided to go for a run. Although I am not a fan of horror movies, I watched one last night. Although I am

造句:1、Do you mean that it's none of my business?你以为它跟我毫无关系吗?2、None of you had the guts to face that.你们谁也没有勇气正视这一点。31、even though; although 2、Yes, although, said Uncle Matt. 3、As your friend, although unworthily 4、That book is good although faulted. 5、Pinocch


标签: otherwise造句简单



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