

hunter的用法 2023-03-02 10:45 429 墨鱼


(ˉ▽ˉ;) Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1988, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film, Robin Williams playe片名:Patch Adams 译名:心灵点滴/ 妙手情真/ 亚当医生年代:1998 国家:美国类型:喜剧/剧情

≥0≤ Robin Williams是在电影中扮演Adams的演员,因此B错误地把Adams说成了Robin Williams,故排除D而选B其余选项在文中均能找到信息支持,是正确的表述,故排除。5.D解析:主旨大意翻译:我的医院叫“John Hunter”医院。。13. Embora Lennon e McCartney negassem qualquer interpreta relacionada a drogas a epoca, Paul posteri 翻译:尽管列侬与麦卡特尼当

Hunter Adams 添加到生词本三浦按针sān pǔ àn zhēn [ Eigenname ] WilliamAdams 艾迪亚当斯ài dí yà dāng sī [ Eigenname ] EddieAdams 安塞尔亚当斯ān sāi ěr Hunter Adams provide award winning HR Consulting Services and can expertly harness the power of your people. Get in touch today for more information!

8.Hunter Adams was very unhappy during his teenage days and he spent many years in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.When he was(16)D from他离开医院时,亚当斯决定成为一名医生,所以他在弗吉尼亚州医学院,美国。但他在那里的时候,他在不同的方式。例如,他不喜欢医生的白大褂,所以他穿上衬衫花当他


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