

while not 2023-12-08 13:15 250 墨鱼
while not


21、It has been raining for a while, and it will be sporadic drizzle for a while. 22、And while you' re a ` bout it, ie while you' re doing that网络释义1. 是一个省略形式新概念英语第二册l the whole world learn 全世界都知道while doing是一个省略形式must have done 表示对过去的推测tingroom

He whiled away the whole afternoon watching TV.他看电视消磨了一个下午.I was doing my homework while my mother was doing the cleaning. 我做功课的时候while walking in the street, I met Tom.

3.While doing the business she is having two young children to care for. 她边做生意边照料两个年幼的.孩子。4.He had met her while doing a corporate job. 他是在一=He was selling the newspaper while waiting for the bus. 他边等车边卖报。例:My mother was cooking while I was watching TV. 我正在看电视的时候,我妈

∩0∩ 3.While you go higher,everything turns to be smaller.4.I was having a nap while the phone rang.5.While my wife was doing housework,I was watching th1. while doing sth+主句农业生产既要增加总量,又要优化品种结构。While working to increase agricultural output, we also need to improve the structure of grain varieties

以when/whiledoing开头when/whilewatchingTV,weheardacry.7.以when/whiledone开头whenseenfromthetopofthemountain,thecitylooksverysmall8.以if/until/although/once/unlessdone开头各造一26、Buthealsolikedwearingagasmaskwhiledoingso. 27、他们还会设法尽可能地为自己牟利,同时尽量不为别人做什么。28、年,18岁的理科学生威廉·珀金在做实验时


标签: while后面什么时候用doing



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