
lack of cash,due to

lack of用法 2023-11-27 11:55 555 墨鱼
lack of用法

lack of cash,due to

Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash 演讲者:Rutger Bregman 鲁特格·布雷格曼语言:英语简介:2017 | 历史学家鲁特格·布雷格曼(Rutger Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash 贫穷不是一种人格缺陷,贫穷就是缺少金钱讲者:Rutger Bregman 00:00 I'd like to start with a simp

状语要以Being开头Being lack of money,he had to ask for a bank loan.海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Lack of cash might be partly to blame for the problems at home.的在线翻译,Lack of cash might be partly to blame f

13. Poverty is a lack of cash. 译文:贫穷就是缺少金钱。14. There's still something missing. 译文:.还是缺少。15. if it didn't produce a lot of this (1) 局限的restricting the scope or freedom of action e.g. Lack of cash is a limiting factor. 现金短缺是一个制约因素。2) 限制性strictly limiting the reference of a mo

+^+ Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash Rutger BregmanI'd like to start with a simple question: Why do the poor make so many poor dec网络释义1. 缺乏现金缺乏金钱,A lack of ) dollar shortage 美金缺乏) lack of cash 缺乏现金) be deficient in capital 缺乏资金dictall|基于2个网页


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