
what color is it英文歌曲,living room

Whatcourisit 2023-12-12 09:52 205 墨鱼

what color is it英文歌曲,living room

colors in the great big world Oh what color is it 未经许可,不得翻唱或使用Yes it's red Is it green like a tree Yea it's green Is it orange like the sun Correct it's orange Is it blue like the sea That's right it's blue What

What color is your kite It is white What color is your hit It is red 查看完整歌词设为彩铃下载歌曲打开酷狗歌曲评论歌手相似歌曲幼儿童谣慢速启蒙英文儿歌儿歌大全英文儿歌精选英文歌曲文本——What color is the sky? It's blue,It's blue,It's blue The sky is blue. The sky is blue. What color is the sun? It's yellow,It's yellow,It's yellow

《What Color Is It》版权所有:魔力小孩Magikid What color is it Can you tell me Oh what color is it Is it red like an apple Yes it's red Is it green like a tree Yea it's green What Color Is it_ Song _ Learn 11 Colors _ Learn English Kids 小鹿叮当小小故事大大智慧胖小唯开箱奥特曼趣味盲盒合集各种奥特曼盲盒开开开螺丝钉螺丝钉家族的幽默故事

果宝宝启蒙教育关注重点句型:what color is it? It’s +颜色这首歌可以用于学到颜色一课英语课堂教学导入!发弹幕1500+ 1400+ 分享40+条精选评论查看更多小黎老师2021-09-26对不住你们!实在非常忙!你们自行保存


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