

我最喜欢的早餐英语作文 2023-12-29 15:51 445 墨鱼


I like eating it very much. 我的早餐有很多种。我每天的早餐都不⼀样。有时候是鸡蛋和⽜奶,有时候是⾯包和果汁,还有时候是⾯条。我最喜欢的早餐是三明治,我妈妈做的。⾥介绍你的一日三餐英语作文篇1 Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a

写一段话来介绍你自己的早餐食谱,英语短文答案Breakfast is the most important meal everyday.My mother always prepare nutritious breakfast for me.On Monday,Wednesd以下是关于介绍我的早餐的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:Introduce my breakfast I eat breakfast every day, because breakfast is very important to

做早餐最直接的表达就是make breakfast或者cook breakfast。例句:I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too. 我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。接下来,介绍自己早餐的英语作文For my breakfast, I usually have a bowl of cereal with milk and a cup of orange juice. Sometimes, I also like to have a slic

+△+ ——南宁ishow国际英语Do breakfast ≠ 做早饭breakfast [?brekf?st]n.早餐v.吃早餐很多人只知道breakfast的名词形式,但是breakfast也有动词形式,意思就是吃早餐。lunch也可以下是关于我的早餐的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:My breakfast My favorite breakfast is English, including cereal, milk, br

≥^≤ 关于早餐英语作文一:关于早餐about breakfast(662字)recently i have made an investigation among 100 students of senior.one in our school.about 45 precent students goA: What is your favourite food?B: I like fish because it is healthy.A: So do I! I also like vegetables.B: What is your favourite vegetable?A: I like cuc


标签: 早餐喝牛奶吃面包用英语怎么说



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