

interested in造句 2023-02-28 19:07 577 墨鱼
interested in造句


They had an abnormalinterestin food. 他们对食物有种异乎寻常的爱好。He has nointerestin academic questions. 他对纯理论问题毫无兴趣。and bent over the toe with abinterest造句1、What you do know is the follow-up question is of particular interest to the asker.不过你确实知道的是提问者对这个问题是感兴趣的。。2、Congress wou

interest 造句/ 例句1. Politics doesn'tinterestme. 我对政治不感兴趣。《牛津词典》2.Interestrates came down today. 利率今天下降了。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》311、Interest, especially excessiveinterest, paid to a moneylender. 12、The borrower shall payintereston eachinterestpayment day. 13、interestcalcula

interest造句:His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.他的父母试图打消他对音乐的兴趣,但是他坚持了下来。2.There has been造句:1 Theywillpayabout$673millionplusinterest. 他们将支付约6.73亿美元再加上利息。2 HedismissedaquestionaboutApple'sinterestinproducingmultiplesiz

interest造句导读1.interest rates should come down.(利率应下降。2.I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.(我对宏伟的雕塑并没有真正感兴趣。There are lots of places of interest.He is interested in playing computer.It's an interesting book.


标签: owner造句简单



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