
in trouble造句,turn over造句

fly a kite造句 2023-12-04 20:59 130 墨鱼
fly a kite造句

in trouble造句,turn over造句

in trouble造句1. John is in trouble with his boss for missing the deadline. 2. The company is in trouble due to the economic recession. 3. The student is in trou1.When you are in trouble 当你处在困境之中。2.Just call me whenever you're in trouble. 什么时候你遇到麻烦,就给我打电话。3.On the third day, Voyager

in trouble:陷入困境;短语:havetroublein有困难,费事;gototrouble麻烦,费劲;takethetrouble不怕费事或困难;扩展资料You don't have to be a pessimist to r单词in trouble 例句大全,用单词in trouble造句:Abandon a friendin trouble. 抛弃处于危难中的朋友He abandoned a friendin trouble. 他抛弃处于危难中的朋友。Her relat

I'm in trouble with the police over drugs. 我因* 事落入警方手中。You'll be in trouble if you don't watch your step. 你要是不谨慎从事就要倒霉了。If I cop you che5、We are so insatiably curious that we gather data even if it gets usin trouble.(我们如此好奇地搜集信息以致卷入麻烦也在所不惜。6、He also paved roads, repaired

in+trouble英标美:'ɪn ˈtrʌbl/ 常用解释处困难中常用词典在监禁中;处于不幸中;处困难中例句I'm in trouble. I need your help. 我有麻烦了我需要你的帮助At scho1、Nakheel was known tobe in trouble. 2、If I cop you cheating again you'llbe in trouble. 3、When we have gold, we be in fear, when we have none web


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