

三年级family家庭的手抄报 2023-11-27 18:17 239 墨鱼


第一篇:小学三年级英语家庭介绍演讲Hello, everyone 大家好My name is Yang zi我叫杨梓I am a 10 years old girl.我是一个十岁的女孩I live in the beautiful city of Deng Kou三年级介绍my family 英语作文篇1 There are four people in my family, the father who likes watching TV, the mother who is dressed, the sister who pla

介绍我家庭的英语作文篇1 I was born into a good and happy family. Besides my parents I have a grandfather and a grandmother. We love each other very dearly. We live in mom(妈妈)dad(爸爸)far(给,为,供)sun(太阳)umbrella(雨伞)taxi(出租车)violin(小提琴)snake(蛇)turtle(海龟)vegetable(蔬菜)二、重点句型(向

我的家庭三年级英语作文(优秀8篇) My Family英语作文篇一I have a happy family. There are 3 people in my family including my father, my mother and I. My father is a 小学三年级介绍家人的英语作文【小学英语# 导语】家人,是一个汉语词语,读音是jiā rén,意思是亲人,特指与自己有血亲关系的人,即直系亲属,如兄、弟、姐、妹、伯父、叔父、伯母、

关于”介绍我的家庭“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Introduce my family。以下是关于介绍我的家庭的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:II have a happy family.There are 4 people in my family.My father is a doctor.My mother is a teacher .My sisit


标签: 三年级的英语作文—介绍家庭



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