
cram for,fiercely

临时抱佛脚的翻译 2024-01-03 23:38 998 墨鱼

cram for,fiercely

taught me Greek, Latin, and English at school, and at his house he opened up the beauty and the meaning of the other subjects I hadto cram up for entrance.I worke搭配“cram for something”的意思是“在短时间内学习大量知识,突击复习”,多用来形容为了应付考试,临阵抱佛脚的做法。动词“cram”的本意是“填满、塞

如果你为了考试cram,它的意思就是你在考试前的短时间内尽可能多地学习。如果要说明是为了考试而突击则在cram后加for an/the exam cram for an/the exam To sCram for 考前抱佛脚今日短语搭配“cram for something”的意思是“在短时间内学习大量知识,突击复习”,多用来形容为了应付考试,临阵抱佛脚的做法。动词“cram”的本意是“

8.Homework UsefulExpressions 战略计划通讯工具/手段长期努力精通英语可持续发展投诉信Cramforatest StrategicplanMeansofcommunicationProlongedeffortAgoodcommandofE1.Cram for cram这个词可能大家并不是十分熟悉,他表示在短时间内塞入很多东西,就像临时抱佛脚,一天把一个学期的知识都学到手My final is coming up, and I have to cram for i

cram for 美英v.考试前临时抱佛脚网络死记硬背;填鸭式地学习;匆忙准备英汉网络释义v. 1. 考试前临时抱佛脚例句释义:全部,考试前临时抱佛脚,死记硬背,填鸭式地学习,17 of the Finest Words for Drinking Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. 1 The Words of the Week - Dec. 15 Even More Words That Soun


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