

hold的造句 2023-11-26 10:56 270 墨鱼


单词dream 例句大全,用单词dream造句:Dare todreamand yourdreamwill come ture. 要敢于梦想,你的梦想就会成真。Dreambig,dreamoften and follow your heart! 敢于梦想,dream造句简单而短dream造句简单而短1. I had a dream last night that I was flying through the clouds. 2. My dream is to one day travel the world and experience dif

dream造句:1.Dr. Yuan Longping had a dream that he could develop rice as large as peanuts.袁隆平博士有一个梦多年以后,面对贝斯声,不经意间落泪的结束乐队的主音吉他兼作词担当后藤一里将会回想起那个在学园祭和

(=`′=) dream造句(带中文翻译) 1、So he lapses into a dream, the undying wonderful dream of his life. 于是他陷入了迷梦,一个关于他的生活的不朽的美梦。2、Oh, I have the samdream, dream, dream的造句和例句:1. I replied , " i was just dreaming , dreaming , dreaming . . . . . . . .我说:我只是在作梦,作梦,作梦2. Dream , dream , dream

dream造句类型英语造句1、He had adream about Claire.(他做了一个关于克莱尔的梦。2、He finally actualized hisdream.(他最终实现了自己的梦想。3、The Confectionery 1、dreamabout;dreamof 2、Oftendream, you willdream, often act, you willdream. 3、Is but adreamwithin adream. 4、Chasing thedream, thedreamof success

1.梦[C]I had a bad dream last night.昨天夜里我做了一个噩梦。2.白日梦[C]3.幻想,空想[S1]Sophie lives in a dream.索菲生活在梦幻之中。4.理想,愿望[C]He realidream造句复制1、He had adreamabout Claire.(他做了一个关于克莱尔的梦。2、He finally actualized hisdream.(他最终实现了自己的梦想。3、The Confectionery Warehou


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