
glory固定搭配,glory to

glory英文解释 2023-12-10 20:09 438 墨鱼

glory固定搭配,glory to

■永垂不朽go to glory■[口]升天,死return with glory■凯旋send sb. to glory■[谑]送某人归天,杀死某人the Old Glory■美国国旗的别称glory in■以为荣glory to do s过去式:gloried; 过去分词:gloried; 现在分词:glorying; 复数形式:glories; glory 基本解释名词光荣,荣誉;壮观,壮丽;(对上帝的)赞颂;非常美的事物不及物动词得意,自豪;

1.Blades of Glory:冰刀双人组;荣誉之刃;冰刃双人组;荣耀之刃2.Hope and Glory:光荣岁月;希望与荣誉;希望与光荣3.Age Of Glory:情牵南苑4.For the Glory:为荣誉而战;为了2.分析:句子主干Belfast is tipped for Oscar glory(主谓宾)。be tipped for是固定搭配,意思是“认为……最有可能……”。Kenneth Branagh’s new autobiographical film是同位语,

glory in v.自豪;得意eternal glory永恒的荣耀morning glory n.牵牛花(番薯属植物);昙花一现的人或物精选例句高考1、We've grown so used to this orange haze that the词组搭配n. 光荣,荣誉收起简明例句This is the crowninggloryin one's life. 这是人生中最大的荣耀。情景例句For the kingdom, the power and thegloryare yours. 因为国度,

return with glory 凯旋glory scattering 辉光散射king of glory 上帝基督the Old Glory 美国国旗,星条旗go to glory 死,升天,完蛋glory lily phr. 嘉兰,绚烂百合动词glory: rejoice proudly 例句:I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials. 我宁

made up of composed of;consisting of;comprising由…组成The committee is made up of seven memglory 核心词汇英['lri] 美['lri]n.光荣;荣誉;赞颂;壮丽vi.自豪【详细释义】n.(名词)壮丽,壮观光荣,荣誉,辉煌赞美,赞颂灿烂可夸耀的事,荣耀的事,可赞美


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