

笑话英语作文 2023-11-23 12:43 938 墨鱼


我当时考研的时候,北京地区英语一作文拿了24分,后来知道作文24分在北京这个极旱区,基本上可以排在前1%。这在某种程度上也促使我之后成为了一名XDF的考研英语写作讲师(兼职,已离职),高分英语作文1:Funny This morning, I made fun of it. A dog danced "ballet" on the ice. The dog was dancing and sliding on the ice. It accidentally ped into the open limb

英语笑话作文1 The famous Dr. Smith,dean of Medical College,was appointed private physician to the King. Whereupon he proudly wrote the following no笑是良药大学英语作文篇1 As the pace of life quickens and the pressure from our work increases, some people say that we are becoming more gloomy and unhappy with each p

≥ω≤ 首页社区精选业务合作视频上传创作者服务新闻中心关于我们社会责任加入我们中文综合英语《The Chaser》续写英专生们,你们写过这篇续写吗?真的写了一篇离谱小说,越看越如果你只是背诵模板的话,其实十一二月开始绰绰有余了,但如果是作文课程、或者自己提炼总结的话,那么建

ˋ^ˊ 高分英语作文1:A funny thing This morning, I made fun of it. A dog was dancing "ballet" on the ice. The dog was dancing and sliding on the ice.It acci【中文译文】如果我是一个经理一天课上,老师要同学们以如果我是一个经理为题写一篇作文。所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。我在等

真的救命…没看之前不知道有这么好笑在图书馆憋笑真的太难受了之前看到有很多人说他喜欢开h腔但听的第一节暂时还没听到只觉得好好笑可能笑点太低了#石雷鹏#石雷鹏老师#考研英高分英语作文1:Funny things It's a process of dealing with things that you can't change - it's a survival plan. It's very simple, covers the basics, and reaches the point


标签: 幽默的英语作文八十字



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