
You are 改成一般疑问句,一般疑问句一二人称互换

一般疑问句否定回答缩写 2023-12-11 22:55 742 墨鱼

You are 改成一般疑问句,一般疑问句一二人称互换

ˋ^ˊ you are a teacher.你是一个老师。变一般疑问句,把be动词(are)提到句首:Are you a teacher?拓展:再来看看关于陈述句变一般疑问句的原则,记住9个字:一提,英语肯定句变一般疑问句1.含系动词be的一般疑问句的构成具体地说,就是当陈述句中有am /is / are时,可直接将它们提至主语前,但如遇第一人称,最好将其置换成第二人称.如:I’m in C

you are Sally. 一般疑问句I am Sally.的一般疑问句形式是are you Sally? I am Sally的意思是我是莎莉。am是一个be动词,在变一般疑问句的时候,要把be动词放在句首。同时要把1.把肯定句改成一般疑问句时,要注意句中是否有already,some,something,somebody等词,如果有,就要进行改变。already,some,something,somebody等分别改成yet,any,anything,an

you are改成一般疑问句的方法是什么?相关知识点:试题来源:解析Be动词提前例如You are my good friends. 变一般疑问句be动词提前,其他不变,句尾加问号(大小写会有些变化):(D)5. –__ you __ free tomorrow? –No. I __ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be

I am a student怎么变一般疑问句,是两种Am i a student?Are you a student吗?I am a student.改为一般疑问句为什么改为“Are you a student?”为什么不该为“D)5. –__ you __ free tomorrow? –No. I __ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 2.当主语是人称代词I和we时,改成一般疑问句,最好将I或we 改成you, be动词一律使用are;句中如果有my, our要改成your。例如:例3最好改成:Are you in Class 1, 将下列句子改成一般疑问句:1.Itisalovelydog.___ 2.Sheislovelygirl.___ 3.Heismyfather.___ 4.TheyareLily’scousins.___ 5.Weareclassmates.___


标签: 一般疑问句一二人称互换



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