

2加3等于几用英语怎么说 2023-12-02 13:07 198 墨鱼


口语two plus five equals what?正式英语what is two plus five?希望帮到了你,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。2. 二加三等于五濮阳市2010年中小学教师远程培训Two and three is five二加三等于五。Tom is a new student. 汤姆是一名新生。elearning.teacher.cn|基于6个

有英文文学创作功底才可写出的英文;下了功夫,字斟句酌;第二部制作相对粗糙这里说的不是翻译问题,是英文语言质量。单拿The Three-body Problem,The Dark Fore他会得寸进尺。五、表示加法有时用于连接数词,表示将它们相加。如:What does two and five make? 二加五等于多少?Four and three makes seven. 四加三等于

a二加三等于?正在翻译,请等待[translate] ait is hard for me to make myself balanced !what happened is away staying in my mind and i am not strong to keep it aw一加二等于三One plus two is three.One plus two equals three 举个例子:一加二等于三,怎么翻译?很多同学会说:1 add 2 is 3. 这样的翻译就是没有理解英语的“性”,不知道分

(*?↓˙*) a珠宝宝石Jewelry gem[translate] aCCV PLUG UNIT 正在翻译,请等待[translate] a二加三等于五Two adds three is equal to five[translate]1、two plus three equals five 翻译:2加3等于5。2、Adding three to two is five 翻译:把2加到3上是5。

?0? 答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报二加三等于五:two plus three is five. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题2加3等于5用英语怎么说二加三等于五2. “减”用minus或take from表示10-6=? How much is ten minus six? 10-6=4 Ten minus six is four. Take six from ten and the remainder i


标签: 一加一等于二英语怎么说



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