

choice短语 2024-01-03 11:19 456 墨鱼


1)artist[英]['ɑ:tist][美]['ɑrt?st]艺术家1.Teachers should be the artists of interaction;教师应成为人际交往的艺术家英文短句/例句1.He was in truth the greatest沪江词库精选artist是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语英音['ɑ:tist] ; 美音['ɑ:tist] ; 名词1.艺术家(尤指画家)2.能手英语解释a person whose creative w

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° 4、词组短语:acclaimed artist、acclaimed book、acclaimed performance。十三、Accommodate1、中文释义:提供住宿或容纳;适应某种情况或需求。2、近义词:house、lodge、adjust。3、adj.+n. great artist,famous artist,young artist,favorite artist,female artist v.+n. become artist,know artist 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义artist 显示所有例句

 ̄□ ̄|| artist的用法及短语详细解析如下:artist n.艺术家可数名词复数artists 1.搞艺术的,更常指画画、摄影等领域的艺术家I’d love to be an artist when I grow up. 我长大后句子分析:1)Vincent van Gogh severed his left ear 为主谓宾结构;2)the brilliant but troubled Dutch impressionist painter为主语的同位语;3)after a "blazing row" with fello

artist的短语1. Be an artist 。2. Follow the footsteps of famous artists 。3. Discover your artistic side 。4. Pursue a career as an artist 。5. Exhibit your Have music/great artist talent。有..天赋Back in the day. 曾几何时Everyone knows how talented he was back in the day. Maybe i was meant to live a musician’s life 也

?^? artist n. 画家;绘画爱好者;骗子;艺术家;能手;表演者;表演艺术家;惯于做(该受指责的)某行为的人artistry n. 艺术创造技巧artistic adj. 拥有天生创造技巧的;赏心悦目的;有二、地道短语plow为plough的美式拼写“plough ahead”三、习惯用语习惯用语“a house of cards”“a paper tiger”: “paper tiger”fold 四、相通的生动活用如果想要表


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