

浪漫用英语怎么说 2023-11-28 21:41 368 墨鱼


钟情的英文:be in deep love with 参考例句:Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout. 看来1钟情的英文be in deep love with 2钟情的参考例句Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout. 看来只有良好的野营

钟情 [zhōng qíng][词典] be deeply in love;[网络] Deeply In Love; love; Fall in love;[例句]我嫁给了一个我已不再钟情的男人。I was married to a man⼀见钟情的英⽂就是fall in love at the first sight。这样的问法真是⾮常地有技巧,表⾯上只是随⼝问问你相不相信⼀见钟情这种事情,如果对⽅真的对你有兴趣的话,她⼀定会

be fond offall in love with be keen on lovelikeYou’re falling for someone / falling in love with someone= 你对某人陷进去了,为之倾心The moment I met you, I’ve been falling for you. 从遇见你那刻起我就爱上你了Lov

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° 所以“梦中情人”的英文就可以是man/woman of her dreams或者woman/man of his dreams. 然后呢,外国人还很喜欢用缩写的SO来表示自己的爱人,这个缩写具体是significant other,即“我沪江词库精选钟情的英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息lovinglovingness 相似短语loving kindness 纯真友爱,纯真爱情;慈爱,挚爱loving cup n. 爱杯(有两个杯柄以便轮饮的大银酒杯), 纪


标签: 钟意的英文



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