
with pleasure造句,University造句

at the same time造句 2023-11-09 12:34 231 墨鱼
at the same time造句

with pleasure造句,University造句

●0● 9、not welcome; not givingpleasureor received withpleasure. 10、Walking is a neglectedpleasure. 11、a statelypleasure-dome decree: 12、smile happilypleasure造句复制1、It gives me greatpleasureto welcome you here today.(今天能在这里欢迎您是我极大的荣幸。2、It's been apleasureto do business with you.(和你做

ˋ^ˊ 解析I have the pleasure of making friends with you. 分析总结。很高兴交你这个朋友用havethepleasureofdoing造句结果一题目很高兴交你这个朋友用have the pleasure ofpleasure造句1. I derive great pleasure from reading books on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 2. The pleasure of a warm cup of coffee on a chilly morning is unmatched. 3

1. pleasure表示抽象意义的“满足;高兴;快乐”时,作不可数名词用。如:It gives me much pleasure to be with you. 跟你在一起使我很高兴。2. 当pleasure具体化,表示“快乐的事;54.I will remember this meetingwithpleasure. 我会愉快地记着这次的会晤。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 55.Withpleasure. What color do you like? 我很乐意

单词pleasure 例句大全,用单词pleasure造句:The greatpleasureof ignorance is, after all, thepleasureof asking questions. 归根结底,无知的极大乐趣即在于提出问题。Atwith pleasure 是为你效劳,是我的荣幸。是用于别人请求你帮忙的回答用语。e.g.--could you please take away the box?你能把这箱子拿开吗? with pleasure.乐意

with pleasure 读音汉语翻译愉快地,愿意例句:He was satiatedwith pleasure. 他厌倦了享乐。He listenedwith pleasureto the beautiful music. 他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。27、I don't like to mix businesswith pleasure, but try to keep the two things fairly apart. 28、Portly woke up with a joyous squeak, and wriggledwit


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