

英语续写优美句子 2023-11-24 17:13 763 墨鱼


我考研英语83,雅思8.0,词汇量两三万,按照我的方法,2个月轻松掌握8000+单词,亲测有效。大家准备的是英语关于:读后续写:11种高分例句积累,希望对大家有所帮助。1 v.-ing和v.-ed作状语1. “Dad, sorry, it was such a mess.”Jeff murmured, lowering his head in s

英语读后续写高级句型:1、Noticing Susan’s unhappiness,Rose secretly suggested making a crown with flowers to please her.2、A small smile may make a big difference.3、I 心理描写最后一篇!接下来转战动作描写! #致高考#英語#高考结束#高考英语#英语读后续写#高考英语作文#英语#高考#成人高考#英语作文#怎么搞定读后续写#

≥0≤ 8.From my point of view, it would be better if在我看来……也许更好万能英语作文句子:1、表示高级的句型:(1) Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容为了进一步配合广大师生教学或复习备考,小编整理了新高考英语读后续写高分作文实用高级句型及范文,仅供参考。1读后续写精彩句型20句01.Noticing Susan’s unhappiness, Rose

2英语读后续写句型1.Noticing Susan’s unhappiness,Rose secretly suggested making a crown with flowers to please her. 2. As the family walked to the door to leave,the m英语读后续写高级句型1.Noticing Susan’s unhappiness,Rose secretly suggested making a crown with flowers to please her. 2.As the family walked to the door to leav

英语读后续写句子1. She opened her mouth to say something. 她张开嘴要说什么。2. He covered his mouth to hide his yawn. 他捂住嘴偷偷打了个哈欠。3. Our mouths dro高三英语读后续写好句必背动作描写1. Sheshother a meaningful look. --《秘密花园》Secret Garden)她向他意味深长地看了一眼。2. Beli’s diamond eyeslo


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